XXI International Theater Festival "Belaya Vezha"

Date: 09.09.2016 — 16.09.2016

Venue: Brest

Address: Brest Academic Drama Theater, Brest Oblast Public and Cultural Center, Center of Youth Creativity

Category: Culture

The International Theater Festival, which marked its 20th anniversary in 2015, will gather its friends in Brest again. The city over the Bug will welcome 27 theater companies from 17 countries – Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Romania, Moldova, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, the UK, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. The festival program will include classic and modern theater productions in both well-known genres (drama, musical, rock opera, street performance) and recently-developed ones: phantasmagoria, Gothic thriller game, school quest and others. The forum will open with the play "Twelfth Night" by the Maksim Gorky National Academic Drama Theater. By tradition, the Brest theater will present its premiere – "Dear Yelena Sergeyevna" after Lyudmila Razumovskaya’s play.

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